About Trial Access Sightseein links

We offer the various experiences only in the mountain village.
Because the participation only for experiences is possible without staying, please talk willingly.

irokuma kids 熊野の楽しい遊び場 irokuma kids

熊野の遊び場 irokuma kids(いろくまキッズ)は、三重県熊野市を拠点に活動する"遊びのプロフェッショナル集団" です。日々子どもたちの " やってみたい "を実現すべく活動しています。 熊野のおじいちゃんやおばあちゃんたち、いろんな分野のプロフェッショナルたちの協力を得て、irokuma kids は子どもたちと一緒に思いっきり遊べる遊び場を創ります。


In the place of about 20 minutes, the outdoor club Iceman is located by car from Akakura. They offer the play unique to summer, such as rafting, canyoning, shower climbing, and a family floating trip.
Outdoor club Iceman


●Tea harvesting
 Middle of May(important point inquiry)
 ■ Expense : 4000 yen for one person
 ■ Time : about 2days

●Rice farming
Middle of May : Planting
Middle of September : Reaping
The small paddy field of many sheets is located in the Maruyama area, and it is called Senmaida.

●Mountain walking
A once old road and the way which Shugendo person followed are shown.

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●Swim in a river
In summer. The clear stream of rich nature is ideal for children's swim in a river.


●Firefly watching
We introduce the point with which many fireflies are seen.


●Starlit sky watching
Since a natural woodland does not have an excessive light, you can see a starlit sky finely.

Stay is reservation required. Please apply for a schedule etc. after consultation and adjustment.

山里民泊あかくら 〒519-4446 三重県熊野市育生町赤倉628 TEL.0597-82-1282 FAX.0597-82-1282