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Web about Akakura

Akakura fishery

Akakura fishery is breeding Amago in the transparent clear stream.

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KumanoBussan HP of the Kumano product promotion meeting.

East Kishu portal site Kumadoko Information about five cities and towns in east Kishu.
The live camera image installed in the seashore part and the mountain slope is distributed.


KUMANO JOURNAL is a free paper of the quarterly issue started in October 2010, aiming at becoming a cause of the trip to Oku-Kumano. In a web, it sends at any time about the information on the report dealt with by the free paper, or a topic. A free paper can also be perused.

Outdoor club in Kitayama villega, Wakayama. They offer a guided tour to be able to enjoy rafting and canyoning willingly.

山里民泊あかくら 〒519-4446 三重県熊野市育生町赤倉628 TEL.0597-82-1282 FAX.0597-82-1282