施設案内・料金 体験紹介 アクセスマップ 周辺観光案内 あかくらリンク集
With JR

They are about 3 hours and 50 minutes to Shingu Station to Kumano Station at Nagoya station to a special express "wide view Nanki" with about 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Shin-Osaka Station to a special express "super black current". It is 20 minutes to Kumano station with Shingu station to a local train.

By a car

From Nagoya Station to Higashimeihan Expressway -> Ise Expressway -> they are about 3 hours and 20 minutes (about 225 km) to Kumano at Kisei Expressway (Kiinagashima IC) and R42.
From Osaka to Nishimeihan Expressway (Kashiwara IC) ->R165 -> Yamato-Takada ->R24 -> Kashihara ->R169 -> it is about 3 hours (about 140 km) to Kumano by R309 ->R42 course. Change may arise from Kumano station according to Akakura * transportation condition etc. in about 30 minutes.

Click a left map, the data easy to output A4 is downloadable.


山里民泊あかくら 〒519-4446 三重県熊野市育生町赤倉628 TEL.0597-82-1282 FAX.0597-82-1282